Gesa Sankoff
Gesa Sankoff is the Director of Operations of the ever growing Criminal Defence Essentials. With a background in education and a M.A. in English and German Literature and Language Learning Studies, Gesa was thrilled to support Peter in building what has become Criminal Defence Essentials and is responsible for the coordination of subscriptions, seminars, , the design and distribution of our materials and is also in charge of our website. You can contact Gesa at professorsankoffseminars@gmail.com.

Bray Jamieson
Editor of The Beacon
Bray Jamieson is a second-year law student at the University of Alberta with a particular interest in criminal defence litigation and is currently also working as a summer student at Sankoff Criminal Law. Prior to commencing law school, Bray completed degrees in both communications and philosophy at the University of Calgary. Bray is the editor of our bi-weekly netletter The Beacon.

Chili Gonzales
Incredibly passionate about criminal law, animal protection, and any snacks that make their way to the floor, becoming a law-dog was Chili’s life-long dream. After receiving his Bachelor of Barking with distinction, Chili went on to receive his Juris-Dogtorate with flying frisbees. The first dog to compete at the Gale Cup moot, Chili barked his way to first place, receiving an oralist prize for his ability to command the room.
Chili knows about the importance of keeping track of his CPD hours (luckily, all our seminars are accredited for CPD credit with every Canadian Law Society (pending approval in Quebec) and is also a keen proof reader of the The Beacon.
Chili divides his time between Professor Sankoff Criminal Defence Essentials and Sankoff Criminal Law.